Monday, January 19, 2015

1989 Disney MGM Studios Opening Magic Kingdom Club Letter

Below is the letter sent out to Magic Kingdom Club members in 1989 announcing the newest addition to Walt Disney World, Disney-MGM Studios.  The letter provides an interesting overview of the park's opening attractions and original purpose.  As the letter states: "The Disney-MGM Studios Theme Park fulfills a 60-year dream on the part of Florida to regain its position as a center for motion-picture production."  Unfortunately, the park did not evolve as originally envisioned as a working production facility with guest attractions. Instead, Hollywood Studios continues to move in a different direction with a Star Wars themed area on the way.   

1973 Magic Kingdom Jungle Cruise Photo

Here is a photo from 1973 on the Jungle Cruise at Magic Kingdom.  The photo features a elephant hiding in the brush.